Girls Ministries

What Is Girls Ministries?

Girls Ministries is about intentional outreach and Christian discipleship program for girls. This ministry teaches girls Biblical truths that will help them learn to make God-pleasing decisions through weekly discipleship classes, yearly camping trips, sleep overs, graduation ceremonies and much more.


Crowns, badges, charms, pins and all kind of awards are planned for your daughter / preschool son. Please make sure they are in their classrooms for the next several Wednesdays to be able to earn their awards. Below is a schedule to help you plan for these wonderful events.


Rainbows - Preschool (Ages 3-5)

Daises - Kindergarten

Prims - 1st - 2nd Grade

Stars - 3rd - 5th Grade

Friends - Middle School

Girls Only - High School


Check-In is between the school Annex’s behind Corbin Hall.

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May 15 -Deadline to sign up for LIT, Living In Truth, a retreat for middle and high school girls at Oxford Assembly.  Information packets are available in the front foyer and on Wednesday evenings in front of Room 3.

May 17 and 19 -Girls going to LIT can earn their way.  Contact Dee Collier (352-804-8593) for times and information.  

June 7-8 -LIT, (retreat for middle and high school girls) Oxford Assembly

June 26 -6:30-7:45 PM, "Water Wars" water games and activities on the basketball court with the Royal Rangers. 

June 29 - 10:00-11:00 AM, rehearsal in the sanctuary for honor graduates in Prims and Stars and their parents

June 30 -Girls Ministries Celebration and Royal Rangers Awards Program, 6:00 PM in the sanctuary.  A reception will follow in the Activity Center. 

July -No Girls Ministries meeting on Wednesdays in July. 

July (dates TBD) -Collect toiletries for David Houck's Ocala National Forest "Back to School Bash".

August 7 -Girls Ministries and Royal Rangers resume.

August 10 -"Back to School Bash" Ocala National Forest Outreach

Questions? Contact Dee Collier, Girls Ministries Coordinator